Wednesday, December 9, 2009


Olivia, I did this portrait for her Sweet 16! :-)

Will Smith!

David, my big brother! I drew this for his birthday in August.. yes yes, I'm very behind on posting my drawings on here! lol :)

So there you have it! Sorry I'm kinda behind on posting my art.... but hey, I finally did! So it's all good, right?? :)



Jopics said...

Thank you, thank you, thank you oh so much! I love it! You are so awesome Des. :D

Bri said...

Wow, amazing!


Gray said...

You get better every time! Don't you love that about art? Have you ever drawn from a live model?

I'm studying for AP studio art... I bet it would be a cinch for you to get a credit like that.

...But.... there is a BIG emphasis on drawing from nature aka not photos.

If you could get that down, then, well, AP is awesome! =D

You should think about it.

However, maybe pencil portraits are really your art thing and you just need to keep doing what you're doing (to use a quote of my Dad's =D)!