Thursday, June 21, 2007

Pics from Devin's B-Day Party

All of us together
Alexa talking right when I was going to take the pic, heehee:)
Aaron, who wanted me to post so bad, JK:)
Nathan, who makes zip lines
Karissa, best friend

Devin, getting the zip line from the Sleadd's
Jared's feet
Nathan and David watching Devin open Presents

Ok, Hello everyone!!!! I'm finally posting. Well I'm really busy so I'm not going to write much. So these are some pics from Devin's awesome birthday party, today is his real birthday. We had a lot of fun, we played soccer, ultimate Frisbee and went in the river. Well I got to go and get to work, we're getting ready for the big meeting that were going to have this weekend for Mannatech. All right, good bye:)
-Destiny or Poppiny, heehee

1 comment:

Kaila Anderson said...

Hey, you weren't suppose to post before me!!!!
Nice post though...wish I could have been there...hehe :)