Wednesday, December 30, 2009

So New Years.... coming up! It's in a couple days to be precise! And I'm sure everyone's been somewhat thinking about what kinda goals they might make, what they want to do this year etc.... (myself included.)


I'm not quite sure what I want to accomplish this year though. Perhaps it will be to read the bible completely through, or consistently post on my blog every single day... :) But whatever it may be, I want to actually follow through with it this year! I tend to be very un-consistent... I don't like schedules or being told what to do with my time. But this year, I want to challenge myself, and complete my new-years-resolution (whatever it may be :D).

Anyway, don't know why I just told you that... but I did... so umm... yeah :-/

haha! ok.

I'm done with his post ;)



TJS said...

So your New Years' resolution is to fulfill your New Years' resolution? That's a good one. :)
I sure am going to have a busy next year.... :D
p.s. How's your DUO?????

Jopics said...

Oh you'll think of something :D
Luv U and Happy New Year!

Destiny said...

Yup, pretty much Tianna! lol :)

Oh, and our duo is going pretty well.. I finally finished writing it, and now we just gotta memorize it and block it :P do you mind if I email it to you so you could look over it to see what you think?

Thank Olivia! Love ya!! :D