This is the adventure of the Kruse’s camping trip.
Yesterday my family left for a camping trip up in, I forgot what it was called, anyway, it had a lake. Well, we finally got on the road at 4:00p.m with the van packed as full as we could get it. We were going over to pick up our tent and sleeping bags at the storage shed. When we got there the storage shed was locked (we didn’t pay it or something). So, that was a big problem. We were all in the van had everything else packed and ready, but… there was no tent or sleeping bags. So, we headed over to Wal-Mart. We all got out of the van and went in hoping to find a tent big enough for 10 and some pretty low priced sleeping bags. Well, God provided! We got a 3 in one tent that holds 10, and found some reasonably priced sleeping bags. So we all ran back into the car and drove off. My dad thought we were going the right way… but wasn’t really sure. By this time it was about 5:00 and we only had about an hour and a half of daylight left. We had to get there fast and set up. Finally dad just stopped at some mysterious house and asked for directions. The man told us that we were heading in the right direction… sigh. That was good to know. Then guess what happened next? We almost ran out of gas, but we didn’t, thank goodness. We finally found ourselves driving up to the camp site at about 5:50. We all loaded out again to find out that is was freezing cold outside! We started to unpack the van and get set up. The boys did an awesome job setting up the tent considering the circumstances. But there was only one problem; they found some old toys in the tent, that’s when we found out that it was a used tent. Dad and Jared did a great job of making a fire. Pretty soon everything was done and everything was dark. We ate hot dogs and had some marshmallows, yummy :) It was really fun just talking and hanging out with my family. We all got to bed at about 11:10. Let me just tell you one thing, we didn’t have the best sleep. We were all freezing; my mom said that she kept checking of Abigail and Jonathan to make sure that they weren’t frozen. Not to mention that our dog Rocky peed everywhere in the tent! We all woke up the next morning under our covers and dreading to get up. Dad finally made the call, “Wake up, we got to get the fire started.” Oh, how we all dreaded those words. So, out came 8 kiddos tired and cold. We got the fire started and ate breakfast (cereal). We all just stayed in our same cloths because no one wanted to change. Then we all sat by the fire and listened to Mom read the bible. After that us kids got to go and explore the camp ground, now that was fun. When we all got back we just talked as a family. Then we started getting ready to go. Oh, and we took lots of pictures. So, basically we had a blast despite all the problems. Mom and Dad said that we will defiantly go camping next year more in the summer. Haha:D Next week we are probably going to go to the beach with the speech club. Well, that is our adventure of camping with 10 people. I hope you enjoyed hearing about it.
Hey! You guys went camping! That's awesome! (It's about time....haha!)
Where did you camp? Did the camp have a name? From the pictures, it looks a lot like "Lake of the Woods" campsite.
We went to Howard Prairie Lake. It's not far.
Wow. When you post, you really post. That was great. Good story telling, and that was a long story. It would have taken me hours to write that much. I really enjoyed reading it. Your pictures were fun too.
But I will have to say that other than the lake, it looks like you guys just stepped outside your home and went up the mountain a ways! LOL
Too funny but that is just how life happens sometimes...the best laid plans somehow go askew "Grin" but you end up having lots of fun and laughing later at the not so funny being really cold, storage shed locked, looking for that special tent, almost running out of gas, etc. But I must say, it made for interesting reading and will leave lasting memories for each of you; especially the family time together. Love you and your camping story. Aunt Ginger
Yup, it was a lot of fun!
Even tho you guys were cold at night it sounded like you all had fun as a family. It is great to get away and do different things as a group. Love the pics and love you. Bye for now...
That is funny Destiny. I am so glad you got to go camping and have those stories to tell your children and grandchildren!! That is the way camping always is huh! But in the end, I know it was all worth it. Love ya
camping's not always that bad. You guys should go to Lake of the Woods it's beautiful there. Oh...I like the tent that's awsome!! Well ttyl ~Ruth~
Oh and you guys went to Howard Prairie? My dad's been there fishing b4.
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