Hiya everyone!!! Our electricity went out last night. It was raining so hard, the wind was blowing like never before... heehee:) It really was pretty scary:( Well... I need to go now... I know I didn't say much but I have to finish my school. See ya later, maybe:) God bless.
P.S How do you like the cute pic I found of Karissa... heehee:) (It was taken awhile ago)
I like the picture!! Yeah, it was pouring and windy here too, with thunder and lightning.... How long was your electricity out?
Sorry. ;)
It turned off at about 6:00 p.m and stayed off all night:)
Hi Destiny:
I emailed my email address to your dad. If I write it on your or my blog, won't everyone see it? I'm new at this, but couldn't people use that for spam or other stuff? Let me know what I should do.
Uncle John
Hi Again:
I see you have pictures on the right hand side of the page. How do you do that? And you have shortcuts to your friend's blogs...how can I do that???
Thanks for your help,
Uncle John
Well... it's kind of hard to explain... ok, when you're signed in to blogger and you're looking at your blog up on the top right corner it should say Customize. You click on that and then it shows a Add a Page Element. You click on that and it lists different things you can put on... lets say you want to put a pic on… well you click on Add To Blog Picture. Once I get you email I'll tell you how to get some other things on:)
P.S You can post your email on your blog and then delete it... that's what I did when one of my friends wanted my email. (if you're wondering how to do that.. my the comment there is like a little trash can, you click on that and it lets you delete it:)You'll figure it out some day... Miss ya...
great, when we leave the exciting weather finely comes out. well I bet you can't guess the weather in phoenix? well if you don't it is just plain hot hot hot. and the picture is good, but did you ask her before you posted it? Well I am sure I will talk to you later. by by for now
No I didn't ask here if I could put this pic on... maybe I should have... Well, I doesn't really matter because every pic she is on she always still looks good:) Bye now... thanks for the comment:0)
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